Utförlig presentation på engelska av kursen Våga vara förälder del 1-3 Dr Gordon Neufelds distance course Power to Parent, parts I - IIISuitability and ApplicabilityThis course is suitable for both parents and professionals although it is addressed primarily to parents, with a focus on parenting. Usually one-third of the course participants work with families or children in one context or another. While the material applies equally to the school setting, the day-care setting, and to direct treatment venues, those involved in such settings may need to engage in some transposing of the material. This usually happens quite spontaneously and intuitively on the part of professionals. The material and principles discussed are applicable to children of all ages. The focus of this course is on everyday parenting and everyday problems but the material applies even more so to the more challenging scenarios and problems. This course can be used for professional development, personal growth, preparation for parenting and even as a primer or enrichment for grandparenting.
Topics and Course ObjectivesCourse objectives: The primary objectives of this course is to help adults make sense of the children in their care and to equip adults to raise children with attachment in mind. The course objectives include: • to provide the conceptual underpinnings to natural intuition • to restore parents to their rightful place in their children`s lives • to provide a working model of attachment that is applicable to children of all ages and to bring the dynamic of attachment to consciousness • to make parenting as easy and natural as possible • to increase the ability of parents and professionals to think critically with regards to the parenting literature • to interpret the science of relationship to those most involved with children and bring parenting in line with this science • to cultivate an appreciation of developmental design and an ability to work in harmony with Nature`s blueprint • to foster methods of discipline that are attachment-friendly and developmentally safe • to reveal common parenting practices that are harmful (e.g., time-outs, using what children care about against them, working the incident, using force and coercion, pushing independence) and provide safe alternatives • to provide a model of professional involvement that does not erode the parent-child relationship
Some of the many topics addressed include:
• dealing with resistance and oppositionality in children • addressing the roots of aggression • preventing being replaced by competing attachments • disciplining in ways that do not divide • addressing separation problems and anxieties • raising children who are capable of deep and fulfilling relationships • dealing with kids who seek to dominate instead of depend on their parents